Sunday, August 2, 2009

Getting back to reality....

Yeah back to work tomorrow. It was very nice to decompress. I am a person who over analyzes things and was indeed in need for some aloha. I hope to incorporate aloha into everything. So far so good. The trick will be allow some aloha to flow throughout the clinic. I have a block review for todays entry so here it goes.

Block 2:
Grade B. Although there was some incredible venues for training the results are not that impressive. Here are the totals for the second block of 10 days:
swimming: 4740 meters
Running: 26 miles with one day of intervals
Biking: 35 miles. Low total but had to change everything around to get Kona in. I am going to have 2 long rides in the next block because of the switch.

The Last few days since I came back look like this:
Friday-4 mile run with avg 9:24 pace
Saturday-played in a softball tournament
Today-Ran 10 miles with some pain. I think my flip-flop use was high and I had trouble with posterior tibialis on the R. A muscle in charge of protecting the arch of your foot but the belly is in the calf. After a few ice baths its back to pain-free with normal walking but I wont run until Wednesday. I am quite slow these days. My running is down. I think sub 2 hour half at disneyland is going to be out. We will see. Swim-good, bike-better but still slow, and run is slow.

Im looking to be more consistent this block. I think I need some leg strength work. I am doing really well with the push up challenge. I can feel and see results already. I am also happy to report that my body circumference measurements are all down. Thats good. I just need them down faster =).

On another note I noticed in the program from the Ironman 2009 there was 30 physical therapists from around the world that competed. I like that. Its hard trying to be a good example. Here is this posts quote:

A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever. - Mary Lou Retton

I hope I never forget my ride in Kona


Karl Stutelberg said...

No way, you have been consistent in your training over time. Sub 2 hours, I say go for it. Set the virtual partner on the garmin and stay on pace!

JennyMac said...

Im impressed just reading this. Bravo to you.