Sunday, December 13, 2009


As the "off-season" moves along so does my brain. Its actually what I am most famous for; an active brain. Todays run has produced some very interesting discoveries. Unfortunately I do not have all the information but my preliminary theory seem legit. I am in the midst of researching all of the weight loss literature. I have began reading a book called "Metabolic Efficiency Training." It is written by the nutritionist who trains the US Olympic triathletes. He is touring around giving a few lectures. When I finish the book I will review it and relate to my lack of weight loss. The early theory though seems very plausible. I will explain later. Here is how my week went:
Monday-Rest after Las Vegas half.
Tuesday-Pushed run to wed secondary to work and home responsibilities.
Wednesday-20 min run followed by new strength training program. I hope to build that up to twice a week. Holy crap I could hardly lift my arms. Funny how my muscle strength as been so poor.
Thursday-3 mile run. No watch, just run. Felt great.
Saturday-Pre christmas preparations or Rest.
Sunday-8 mile run in 1:20. Just a low intensity easy run and thats what I had planned. No fatigue no pain no nothing.

Physiological response to thinking and to pain is the same; and man is not given to hurting himself.
— Martin H. Fischer

Funny how physiologically speaking, you get what you pay for.


Missy said...

Can't wait to hear about the nutrition piece - I need to do something about that myself.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good word n nutrition. Right on time for me, too - as I'm in "search" for knowledge regarding fueling for my 2010 season...looking forward to hearing mroe on this from you.

Mike Russell said...

I need a solid nutrition program that was designed by someone who knows triathletes. Hurry up and get your review up!

Jon said...

looking forward to your review.

Trishie said...

gratz on the HM !