The weather for saturday in Hawi looks like this:
![]() Sunny | High 82°F Precip 20% |
Wind: | From SW at 9 mph |
Humidity: | 64% |
UV Index: | 10+ Extreme |
Sunrise: | 5:43 AM HT |
Avg. High: | 80°F |
Record High: | 88°F (1967) |
What is funny about that is that where the wind is. I will climb to Hawi. In Waikaloa or at the finish line it looks like this:
![]() Sunny | High 82°F Precip 20% |
Wind: | From SW at 9 mph |
Humidity: | 64% |
UV Index: | 10+ Extreme |
Sunrise: | 5:43 AM HT |
Avg. High: | 83°F |
Record High: | 90°F (1977) |
This is interesting because they are never the same. I am not taking any of that to heart. It will change and it will be interesting. Saturday has a few goals. One I know I have the fitness for this distance and course. What is unknown is how I will handle to conditions. The wind will pick up. The humidity will be a factor. My brain will be affected by these and how will I respond? I am going to take it one stroke, one mash, and one step at a time. Believe in myself and just get it done as fast as I can. Karl and Dr. Daniels says it will be over sooner if you go faster. (Now I know where you get that from Karl.) I am the fittest I have ever been, I am more mentally aware now more than ever, I have the fitness for this, I have good equipment (more on that in a minute), and my nutrition plan is in place. I am pumped. I rented a bike. Scott CR1. Fast. Carbon. I had to have a tweak today and I am more excited to ride it. What are my legs going to do with all carbon? They better be ready. Here is one last pic.
In life, you reap what you sow - if you work hard, you believe in yourself, you do the right thing, good things usually happen."
Khadevis Robinson
Khadevis Robinson
In a long race I usually get to a point where I start to think, "I just want this to be over." If I listen to my body and slow down I will be in pain longer. If I put my nose down and keep pushing it will be over faster. Sometimes it hurts the same whether you keep going or slow down. You might as well keep going. Make a deal with yourself. You can stop once you cross the finish line.
Have a great race!
One thing I always think of when the going gets tough is that this race is a mere tiny spec of time in my life, I can do anything for a tiny spec of time.
Will be cheering for you here in Denver!! Have an awesome race, and don't forget to have fun, too!!
Best of luck Ron!! I can't wait to see the race report.
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