Tuesday, January 6, 2009

quick post...

Monday had a great swim.....23 laps in 35 min or 5 groups of 4 laps. Much more confident and comfortable in the water. Then 30 min on the trainer. Today, P90X ab ripper X and bike workout using spinervals. Total of 30 min but it had some sprinting and single limb stuff. perhaps i need a power meter? or may be a cadence counter? hmmmm.....wonder what they cost.

he way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. - Socrates

I like that people are asking me to help them lose weight. I like that they want walking and running programs. They ask themselves...Why cant I?


Karl Stutelberg said...

How is your weight loss going. I know you had a plateau toward the end of the year. Is this triathlon training variation helping? How about the strength training? And the intervals on the run and bike? We need a recent photo or something.

Ron said...

My weight loss has started again...My clothes have been really loose and usually right after that is a weight loss. Down 4-6 pounds in the last 2 weeks or so...the plateau was 6 months....strength training is helping a lot I think but mostly I think its the bike..I am riding 4 days a week with hills, sprints, drills, intervals its a lot. dont have any recent pics but I am hoping a huge weight loss is around the corner...

Karl Stutelberg said...

You are an animal! Let me know when you are doing a tri in Vegas and I will come be the support crew and photographer!