A training diary tracking my progress to performing at my best. What am I capable of?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Goin very well....
Monday-ran 3 miles
Thursday-5 miles
Saturday-14 miles
Monday-4 miles
Tuesday-spin + core
Wednesday (today)- 5 miles, with sore legs from spin and new kicks. The new Gel Kayano's in effect.
Thursday-shooting for 4 miler
Rest New years day
Saturday-16 miler....I am looking forward to it.
Happy New Year to all. I hope we race faster and healthier this year. QUOTE:
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”
T.S. Eliot quotes
My first season as a triathlete down. 2010 is going to be a fitter, faster, building block year. I cant wait.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A good week...
Monday-Recovery run of 3 miles followed by my "triathlete" weight lifting circuit and abs.
Wednesday-Training run of 3 miles
Thursday-Training run of 4 miles followed by abs and push-ups
Saturday-Long run of 12 miles. I am proud that my longest training run ever is not hard enough to make me sore. No fatigue, no pain, slow but I felt great minus the dehydration. I have run 7 halves and today was the longest I have run without a medal or race. Funny story: You know you are a runner in las vegas when.....a guy stops you in your tracks while you are running for directions to the GRAND CANYON. THE GRAND EFFING CANYON is 100 miles away. I also ran by Wayne Newton and Mike tysons house and for good measure a man riding a unicyle in the bike lane like it was a regular old bike ride. Whew running in Las Vegas is interesting.
The nutrition will require discipline. The weights and running require persistence. I feel my new goal of running a marathon becoming more and more doable. IF that is the case then so is IM. Today I watched yesterdays showing of IM Hawaii. Kona is such an amazing event. My life bucket list includes this race. Some day will I race on that stage? An age grouper for sure. Years away, I know...but possible?
“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.”
Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens
This phoenix will continue to rise and how far will it go?
Monday, December 14, 2009
BAITER and Nutritional Paradigm Shift
Another bonus to starting this blog is getting to read the experiences of other endurance athletes. I am well schooled in anatomy and physiology, especially exercise physiology but not as experienced with fitness as some of the bloggers I read about. This may not be new information to someone who naturally does this but from a former OVER eater and over eating horrible foods this is new. I am hoping this spawns questions and conversation we can all learn and grow from. So please do not hesitate to comment even if think this is baloney.
The book is called "METABOLIC EFFICIENCY TRAINING: Teaching the body to burn fat" by Bob Seebohar. He is an exercise physiologist/nutritionist/triathlete/coach/lecturer. He works with the Olympic triathlon team and is quite the endurance athlete himself. He has a lecture series (I have attended) and this brand new book. Here is his website: www.fuel4mance.com . He is a very personable guy and has answered my emails with questions.
OK...here it goes. Basically we use 2 types of macro nutrients for energy. FAT and Carbohydrates (CHo) or sugar. The energy derived from fat is better than the energy derived from CHo. However, the body will use CHo energy because it is easier to break down. We are always using both nutrients at the same time but the percentage of each nutrient depends on the intensity of exercise. The lower the intensity of exercise the more fat you use compared to CHo. The harder the intensity the more CHo you use. The stage (heavy training=more CHo used) in your competition year depends on the intensity of training. He refers to this as "periodization of nutrition." Basically its the same as exercise periodization but with how you eat. I am in the "preparatory cycle." The others are in order: competition cycle, taper, and transition cycle.
Here is the nutrition aspect. If your goal is to lose weight or burn more fat then training at a high intensity is not the system of energy of choice. He says "train to eat not eat to train." No cheap sources of energy. No pasta, no rice even if its healthy CHo as whole grains. Its too readily available and your body will choose that first. If there is none available then your body will have to choose fat for energy. THIS IS NOT A LOW CARB DIET. This is utilizing the nutrients in fruits and vegetable as your source of CHo. It is enough to be just fine, its smarter carbs. Basically if you think of your dinner plate it should be 60% lean protein with healthy fat. The other 40% fruits or vegetables.
The name of the game is controlling blood sugar. If there is no sugar or CHo placed into the system and you train at a low intensity then your body will choose more fat then CHo. NO GELS, GUs etc. your body needs to utilize fat and you will have better performance if you do use fat. If you train at high intensities then you need more CHo to sustain that activity. If you are metabolically INefficient then you will require more CHo. So you can nourish yourself into the corner by using too much sugar while you train. This time of year is perfect for building a cardiovascular base. Long low intensity training while eating accordingly. No carbs before or during and utilize the cleaner more energy rich FAT. TIMING and consistency will result in your body letting go of fat. Nutrient timing is a very new concept to me. You ever get done with a long ride or run and have the shakes? Not enough CHo, if you replenish with CHo your brain will trigger you to over eat. Instead if you have a protein to control blood sugar you will curb the jitters and you wont overeat. Small protein shake, nuts, or yogurt will do the job. Snacking the same way will keep your blood sugar low and in control. WHY THE PARADIGM SHIFT FOR ME?
Because I didn't necessarily correlate them together. I thought I ate so healthy. I must be eating healthy if I don't eat anything "bad." I did not eat any fast food and If I did it was the healthiest (subway) you can find. But almost every meal contained too much CHo and not enough protein. When I sought out nutritionist help I was finally instructed to lessen the CHo and up the protein. Then I experienced major cramping issues. My intensity of training was too high to support not enough CHo. Then I went back to eating more CHo even though they were very healthy. The result was good performance (for me) and NO WEIGHT LOST. DUH...I wasn't using the right system for energy!!! When I made the decision to get faster and perform better is the last time I lost any weight. When I dropped the 50 or so pounds I lost I was working at much lower intensities....hmmm wish I would have seen that earlier.
Your next question is how high or how low is your training supposed to be? Well you need to get a metabolic efficiency test to be 100% sure. The test will generate a heart rate that will correspond to the most efficient fat burning intensity and you should work at that intensity for a long time. As your season progresses you change your eating style ever so slightly to match the intensity you need to train at. If I had to name flaws I see in this book is that it is mostly anecdotal information. He is working on studying this using double blind, good studies but it does not see to be available at this time. He does list references that I will pull and see what else I can gather. I highly recommend this book to the frustrated endurance athlete who is not getting the results he or she is looking for. There is obviously a lot more in the book and he is the EXPERT so order his book from his site! I hope this is easy to read and helpful. If it isn't let me know and lets learn together!!! QUOTE:
“Sometimes I’m confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn’t obvious…”
Micheal Stipe
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
OK...OK...Its Official...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Las Vegas 1/2 marathon race report
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A post just to get one in....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Offseason is weird
Monday, November 16, 2009
1 week removed.....
Monday, November 9, 2009
SILVERMAN: My Race Report, and blog name change
Sunday, November 1, 2009
100th post....taper too
Sunday, October 25, 2009
big miles + gorgeous weather=Good weekend
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
--SPECIAL--Midweek post
Sunday, October 18, 2009
2 more working weekends until the big race..
Tuesday-Easy run. 3 miles done before softball, then softball. Easy, no watch, just run.
Wednesday-I wanted to do something new. So the plan was a brick brick. I wanted to do 8 mile bike, 2 mile run X 2. I wanted to go as fast as I can on each with fast transitions. Work those quads very fast. My bike on the first leg was 32:48, T1 4:35, and run 17:35.....total 54:59. What was unfortunate was I used my stop watch instead of the Garmin. I had 3 or so lights to wait at and having the automatic timer stop would have showed how truly fast I was. The second trip through the workout didn't happen. As the night went on I felt my head getting gooped up, my throat getting sore, and I thought I was starting to run a fever. Umm I think I will stop here.
Thursday- I had 2500 meter swim planned. SICK.
Saturday-Long bike. Feeling about 95% recovered i wondered if working long would be a bad idea. I actually felt better as the ride went on. Good idea. I went 60.24 miles in 4:10:49. I got off the bike 3 times to stretch my back. Good ole pressups. I still averaged 14.4 mph. Not that fast but I will take it. This is my longest ride to date. I wanted to go very long and I didn't want to ride those damn hills again. I rode somewhere different. My legs felt strong and fresh. No fatigue, no pain. My back never hurt like last week but did get stiff and tired. I guess the core strengthening is helping. I should do that more. Overall, I am very happy with my ride. Funny note: I burned approximately 4167 calories.
Sunday (today)-Long run. SCRATCH THAT. Long swim. SInce I skipped my swim on Thursday and as I analyzed the rest of my training I thought may be I need a long swim more than I need a long run. Including this race it will be 6th half marathon and the water temperature is definitely cold enough for a wet suit. How about if I go long in an open swim? I will say about 2300-2500 yards or so (it isn't exactly marked) in 56:25. My 2000 meter split was 45 min or so. No fatigue no soreness (except for wet suit burn on my neck). I felt great. I got into a rhythm and felt strong. I definitely felt like I could do a lot more after that swim. After yesterdays ride could I so more after that? hmmm it would have been tough. Very happy with my swim right now.
I feel ready. Can I do it all in 1 day? That is the ultimate question. I suppose that is triathlon at its core. All 3 back-to-back-back. I have swam longer than race distance, I have biked longer than race distance, and I have ran this run distance many many times. I have had some long bricks and i still have some longer ones too. My mind is active. Up until Wednesday night, I haven't been sleeping very well. I think about the race all the time. It is going to be a huge thing for me. I am curious to see what I feel during and after this race. QUOTE:
“A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born.”
Antoine de Saint-French Pilot, Writer, and Author
I think this is what I am feeling lately....the stranger within me growing.....
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Im thinking about that roller coaster....
Monday rest
Tuesday-Longest swim to date. 2250 meters (45 laps) in 56:12. Here are my 250 meter splits. 5:48, 6:00, 6:18, 6:20, 6:14, 6:16, 6:16, 6:26, and 6:37. Ave 6:15. I am proud of this swim. I am getting better at my pacing and a pool isnt a great place to have that. I felt fine...no fatigue or trouble. As I get closer to the race the only swimming related issues are water temperature and wet suit. I have swam a lot this year in cold condition. I realize now how crazy I was to get in the water in Jan/Feb this year. At the end of the day I am prepared for the swim.
Wednesday-Easy 4 mile run. 37:52 ave 9:28.
Thursday-Hill repeats on the bike. 27.59 miles in 1:49. I went over the end of the race course and some neighboring hills. I attacked all of them. I got after these hills. I am climbing so much better. The last 10 miles of the race course are going to be rather easy. I used to struggle with these hills and now they are nothing compared to Northshore or the river mountain loop trail.
Saturday-Longest brick to date. Bike/run. 42.33 mile bike followed by a 5 mile run. All bike miles were on the race course. That means hills, hills, and hills. I attacked and battled like I am going to have to come race day. I did not climd the sisters again. I thought about it during the bike and run but may be I should just walk them on race day anyway. Here I have tried these hills many many times and I am not able to climb them. 1 time on the first of the three I climbed it but I am not optimistic . If I am going to walk them anyway how about just save the legs and walk it from the beginning? It sure feels like chicken shit thing to do but I thought I would be climbing them by now. The Run was VERY hilly. Not race course but steeper hills than the race course. 5 easy miles to practice changing them biker legs for runner legs. Bike took 3:10 min followed by a run of 57:40. 4 hours 10 min total with slow transition. My legs were not that tired. Musculoskeletally speaking my lower back was the limiting factor. I need to hit some back/pelvic stability exercises hard this week.
Sunday (today)-Long run. I was looking for a run of approximately 1 hour 30 min to 1 hour 45 min and roughly 10 miles. Here is what I got. 1:46, 9.29 miles. VERY VERY steep hills, not one flat surface. i had many hills remind me of a race I did in Palos Verdes, CA. Gnarley. Grind it out. I am sore and tired. My calf is most sore. The north sister was included on my run today.
So why indifferent about a successful week of training? I am just sore and tired and this many miles are lonely. If I had a training partner and I didnt need to do both days back to back. May be I would be pumped. I believe that I am ready for the race and I am not sure if this distance is my max. It sure feels like it. I am doing things weekly that I never thought I would do and I am pounding things out but do I want to anymore? Im sure this is a temporary mind set but as I work my ass off I wondering what the hell am I doing to myself? How bad do I really want this? its cold, its long, im tired, Im sore, my knee and calf hurts....what am I doing to myself? To answer your question Hiedi Silverman Half Iron distance Nov 6, 2009.
2 more long weeks, then taper, then race and kick this races ass. then what? I am thinking about that a lot. What will I attempt after this race?
The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence but by oft falling. ~Lucretius
I know that I am busting out of the old me one drop at time but the way i feel right now ....SUCKS
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mental Toughness Training continues....
Saturday-Long run. 8 miles. in 1:18:56 an ave. of 9:50 on the Silverman course. Lovely hills. Actually just short of brutal hills. Here are my splits: 9:04 (downhill start), 9:54, 10:19 (350 foot elevation change about 9-10% grade), 9:46, 10:08, 10:36 on another hill, 9:25 down, and 9:40. I felt very strong. No walking at all. I usually do not do hills this well. I am pleased.
Sunday (today)-Long bike. I found out yesterday late that there will be a group of riders doing the entire Silverman course from start to finish sponsored by the Las Vegas Triathlon Club. I wanted 40 some miles today ended up with 31 in 2:48:09. Why so slow you might ask? 10.9 mph ave. to be exact....WIND. Not just any wind but the kind of wind that picks up houses and throws them about. Some reports say over 75 mph gusts. Through the canyons that lie near the lake that is very, very dangerous. Not only is it a 1176 elevation gain for this bike course there was those gusts. A HEADWIND. Absolutely brutal. My ride was slow, hard, and miserable and I am proud of it. I grinded that baby out today. I passed people on this stretch of road who had very nice aero tri bikes and apparently in better shape than me. Passed em. I also got my hooks in on them sisters. I climbed the first one. In case you don't remember the sisters are a cycling legend to local riders as a bitch to climb. 15, 16 and 19% grades respectively. Finally got the top of the first one earned the decent, the second one got 3/4 the way up and pooped out. It is longest of the three. The third one I got about 5/8s up. Then I grounded out the rest of a slight uphill that seems to keep going and going. GRIND IT, GRIND IT OUT. That was todays mantra. No cramping, no real pain except my back was sore. Also, on lakeshore drive I did reach my maximum speed on a bike at 36.9 mph.
As I trained this week I thought about one main topic. Homeostasis. That is maintain balance. Although I am happy with my training, I will not let it get too exciting. As for the last few challenging weeks I did not let get me down. Basically do not let the good times be too high or let the down times too low. I think the less experience you have, you ride that roller coaster. I want it to be flat. My best friends Karl and Andi did quite well at the Twin Cities Marathon today. Read Karls blog for details...love those guys! Now I must get back to dexter....I love that show. QUOTE:
Homeostatic fear shows up regardless of whether the change is good or bad, wise or foolhardy. The intensity of fear and resistance is related to the size and pace of the change, not to the quality (good, bad, wise, unwise) of the change.
Good changes...good changes
Thursday, October 1, 2009
building back up...
Tuesday-Recovery run of 3 miles in 29:00 or so. Slow and easy pace, concentrated on form and having fun. Softball at night, no problems.
Wednesday-Bike/hills. I was shooting for 25 miles but it got very dark and very windy. I only got 19 in. POUNDED on some hills. I went back to the perfect hill and rode that baby 5 times, in a bigger gear than what is comfortable and progressively went a longer distance. I felt great.
Thursday (today)-Run. Had a strong 5 miles run tonight. Beautiful weather, around 78 degrees. I could have gone a lot longer. No pain, no fatigue, and lots of fun. My ipod even died mid run and I wasnt fazed. Been a long time since I have had a run worth posting mile splits so here they are: 9:26, 9:38, 9:24, 9:30, and 9:24. Avg pace of 9:29 in 47:25. Not my fastest or anything but feels like I getting back on the score board. The last 2 miles are up hill and I even attacked a bit. I tried not to go way too hard but I really wanted to. I am gonna ease into it.
Friday-long swim, saturday long run of 8 miles, and sunday a long ride of 40ish. I cant wait.
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise”
Oscar Wilde (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)
aint that the truth....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Save the drama for your mama....
awoke at 4:45 head out to the garage to load up the jeep. I decided to pump up my tires and promptly broke the stem in my tire. Bonehead does not have a spare. If I did I didnt have all day to change it. Note to self: Practice changing tire. Crashed Wal-mart-no intertubes there. Thankfully the race had some dudes out there changing tires.
Now wet suit or no wet suit for the swim? I went with the same wetsuit. BAD IDEA. It was incredible hot even by 7:10 and I was suffering some 500-750 meters in from the heat. Anyone ever swam with a wet suit half on? It defeats the aerodynamics of the situation. The cramping began ever so slightly during the swim.
I have done this bike course at least 10 times. Never have I walked it 3 times. My legs were so tired and crampy but I could not bring myself to quit. I wanted to, It was in my mouth, but I couldnt do it.
As I dismounted the bike I thought, "is this stupid?" I am very tired and crampy. After all it is approximately 110 degrees with NO SHADE, NO BREEZE. Straight up miserable. I am cramping all over the place, I am not proving to be any faster, What the ____ am I doing out here? And I am not sure if I can even run with this calf. Im gonna at least give it a go I say.
My run/walk plan is going according to plan. Very slow but getting it done. This trail run on rock and dirt is so hot. But NO CALF PAIN. In fact its the least of my worries. My quads are cramping with every step. My back, my shoulders, my quads, adductors, and abductors are all cramping. Did I mention its hot?
I finished. Slow, struggled A LOT. But finished. What did I learn? I can scrap, claw, and fight. I didnt cave in. I waaaaannted to so bad but I couldnt do it. Here is my chip? Not happening.
Where do I go from here? Pound the pavement. Train. Get ready for silverman.
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.”
Maurice Setter
It took a very hot, long run to find it but I did.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Can I do it?
Monday-2000 meter swim. here are 250 meter splits. (5 laps.) 6:02, 6:06, 6:21, 6:27, 6:43, 6:33, 6:31, and 6:37. Ave 6:25. Total 51:25. My first long swim in a few weeks slow by about a minute or two. My calf felt great. No trouble.
Tuesday- Run 3-4 miles. Yeah didnt happen. I began the run wondering what was going down in my blog. I thought for the first 1/2 mile that the title would be "bodies are funny." Because one day pain and the next day felt great. HOWEVER, then 0.78 mile marker happened. Calf pain on. ITs funny because at 0.75 i looked at my watch and said HELL YEAH. I walked back. Just a small pull. Softball made it worse. We were short handed and I had to play.
Wednesday-Woke up in moderate calf pain. Since I know a thing or two about rehab on a pulled muscle I put myself to work. Can i bike with this? YES. 10.68 miles in 38 min or so. An average of 17 mph. I felt weird. It didnt feel like my legs. Sore from a leg workout and a week not on the bike felt weird. I was fast (for me) and pain free. I can do the bike.
Thursday (today)-I thought I would play it by ear. I worked my calf hard today. I am in training room mode. Can I get this athlete (me) back in the game? I challenged my calf and how I wake up will help me determine whether or not I can do this. I will work it again tomorrow and then rest on saturday. Hopefully I can run 6 miles. Can the swim/bike portion PR? Can I finish? Can I PR? I just going to keep swinging. QUOTE:
"We are like tea bags. We never know our own strength until we are in hot water." Sister Bousce
Its going to be a funny race report.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A break from TRI training
Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down. ~Charles F. Kettering
I am going to keep on swinging.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
nearly a good training weekend...
This morning thought may be I could get an easy 6 miles of running in. NOPE. Still feeling the effects of yesterday. I went out for 6 and ended up with a 2 mile run and a 2 mile walk back. My legs were crampy. My L calf was real bad. As I type it feels considerable better. I dont have a lot of weekends left. Next week I am in Seattle. The following weekend I am tuning up at Las Vegas Triathlon with an olympic distance race. Then It will be October. Just riding this roller coaster. I am going to continue to do the best I can with what I have. Not sure how this next weeks training is going to go but I will give it a whirl. QUOTE:
Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach.
Roger Von Oech
I dont really see this weekend as failure but a lesson in what NOT to do. Not to self: I live in a desert and it is still hot out there.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Plugging away....
Tuesday-Recovery run, no watch, not timed. Felt a little overall fatigue but legs felt great. Softball practice went well too.
Wednesday-21 mile bike ride in 1:25. I rode the run course of the Silverman twice the second time not the flat easy parts. It will be somewhat hilly but the hills are in the middle. I will be running this course right after word since the biggest hill is only 2 miles away. Hmmmm hill repeats anyone? My legs felt stronger today. I am climbing a lot better. I am hoping for another date with the 3 sisters this weekend. See how my climbing is going.
Thursday (today)-6 mile easy run. I am happy to say that I had a great run tonight. Not because I felt good or anything because my brother ran the first 2 with me. He is beginning to change his lifestyle and get more fit. SInce he has moved in with me in 6 months he has lost 70 pounds. He is going to try a sprint distance triathlon in October called Pumkinman. I am so proud of him. i got my six in. Tomorrow easy swim. Saturday brick swim/bike, hoping for 45ish miles all on the race course. Sunday 6 or so mile. Its next week I go for 14 miles. Ohh and pictures are on the way from Disney...just give me some time. QUOTE:
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog
feelin the heat?
Monday, September 7, 2009
What a difference a year makes....
I have to give it up to DIsney. The know how to run/organize a race. They start on time, they plan the corrals well, they have excellent volunteer support including local people, cheerleaders, marching bands, mariachis, and other groups. They also have a good course which included a route through California adventures, Disneyland, throughout the streets anaheim, around the Honda center (where the anaheim ducks play), and this year since the Angels are out of town a "victory lap" through Angel stadium, finally finishing back through Disneyland and Downtown Disney. It was awesome. Angel stadium was the best part since the whole stadium had cheerleaders, boy scouts, various other loud yellers so when you entered the stadium they were loud. The announcer said as many names as he could over the loud speaker and the jumbotron was in full effect. Awesome.
One thing brought to my attention was that no bloggers knew that I run with a big group. All in all, there are 9 runners in my group from Las Vegas and it is our second half marathon as a group. We have some creative people in our group who designed t-shirts that we all rock together. The girls had pink ones and guys wore black ones. They all had our "RUN CLUB" logos on the back. A turtle with a caption that reads "slow and steady wins the race." In the front we modified the fight club movie logo on a bar of soap to say run club. We get a lot of comments about them. We enjoy them. Special thanks to Chuck for hanging out and running a bit with us after his 1:31 time. Way to go chuck! Pictures to come.
So where does this fit in to my training? It means that the next chapter is purely getting ready for Silverman. Start a big block and get my overall mileage up. Lets do this.... quote:
“The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.”
Julius Erving quotes
Its fun to realize the growth.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
last post before my date with MICKEY
Monday-Long swim. I am in a recovery block so my long swim was 1500 meters. It was slow. I didnt feel like swimming. I got in the water and did it. 40:11.
Tuesday-Recovery run. 3 miles without a watch and right before softball practice. It went well.
Wednesday-Ride on some hills. I found a new hill to repeat on. I went a total of 21 miles in 1:25:34 . I felt the best I ever felt on the bike. The hill I climbed to start was 3 min faster than the last time I biked on it. It felt fresher and faster. My ave was slow at 14.7 but I took it easy as I could on the down and pounded the ups.
Thursday-Swim easy. I decided that I just wanted an easy swim. I did some weights and then swam for 20 min straight. Just get it done.
My next block is going to be big again. I have 2 big blocks planned and I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to it because I am starting feel like an endurance athlete. I began this journey without any specific goals. I had let myself get very out of shape during physical therapy school. Then I starting getting winded with the littlest things. I decided I would walk. Walking turned into running and running started me on a journey to see how far I could go. Can I do a half-marathon? 10 years ago I would have said hell no. A year and a half ago I would have said may be. Then I did the Palos Verdes half. It was brutal. Not the intro to halfs you like. VERY VERY HIlly. Then we decided to try another one. Disney. While training for Disney I still didnt believe that I could do it. Then something funny happened. I was running last years disney and I got mile 10 or 11 and I was dying. I was cramping and I was tired and not having fun. I looked around and said to myself...you know what? I dont feel so bad and I started to push it, and I pushed it and I finished with confidence. I reached down deep and I found something inside me that said I can do this. As my brain drifted off I thought about pain and training and what that does to your brain. I have let my old soft ways rule my life, training, and my perception of what I am capable of. It was then that I decided I wasnt going to limit myself anymore. It was at Disney last year that I fully bought into my new lifestyle.
When I say new lifestyle I mean NEW. The life I live today is light years more healthy and active than I have ever lived. As I sit here reading IM race reports I am excited, encouraged, and jealous. What would I be doing now if I didnt have a few years of "break time." Would I be an IRONMAN now? My new lifestyle constantly evolves. I lost 50 pounds and then my weight just stuck. I havent lost any weight in 8 months. Until this last week. I had an excellent nutrition consultation (thanks MARNI) and have received some excellent information that has resulted in a 7 pound loss. You would think that given the training load that weight loss would come right with it. NOPE. Now I feel in control of my body for the first time in my life, All the baseball, football, basketball, running, cycling, and swimming I have ever done was limited by what i put into my body. If I grew up with these tools what would have gone different? I was never thin. I remember being embarrassed about husky jeans. I played lineman, I hit homeruns, I got rebounds....RUN? Thats for punishment. How much weight in the weight room can I push? How far can I hit the ball? Box me out? i dont think so. Triathlon? Ironman? THATS NOT ME. I CANT DO THAT. THATS FOR LITTLE DUDES. Stick to what I do....power. Here I am reading triathlon blogs and writing one myself. I am running my 5th half marathon and in the midst of training for a 1/2 iron distance triathlon. Im going to use this half marathon as a TRAINING RUN. What? 13.1 miles as a training run? Yes and I am going to train right through it and make a push to silverman. Im going places and as I sit here ranting I am proud of the distance I have traveled. I have a lot more to accomplish and each step of the way brings on more knowledge about how to go about this active life. I love it. My body and brain are the healthiest they have every been and I am just getting started. My next entry will be the happiest race report on earth. Thanks for the rant. QUOTE:
“A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul: a sick body is a prison”
Francis Bacon, Sr. quotes (English Lawyer and Philosopher. 1561-1626)
Boy it feels good to be free.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Change of plans....
Congrats to my bloggy friends who finished IMKentucky!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Just a normal week so far...
Monday-1500 meter Intervals. 5 laps warm-up in 6:13....4 on at 4:21/4 off at 5:12, 4 on at 4:26/4 off at 5:35, 4 on at 5:02, then 5 cool down at 7:19. Total: 38:11. It is amazing how reliable our bodies are. I have worked up my ability to go real hard now for 4-5 min straight then actively recover quite well and then poop out. I am happy to say that I can swim for 40-60 min. A year ago i struggled even one full lap.
Tuesday-3 mile recovery run. I dont know how long or what my pace was. i just wanted to run. No numbers no stress. Best run id had in a while. Was it that or was it that I wore different shoes that didnt hurt my calves or hips? hmm...may be its time for new shoes. That evening had some batting practice with a bunch of people I hardly know but its a good tune-up for a big tournament this weekend traveling to salt lake city. We have already gained a berth to worlds but we have to play in this divisional tournament. Should be fun.
Wednesday- Wanted a fast bike ride. Got one. I wanted to know if I can ride to the loop at Anthem in about an hour. Not yet. But it wasnt because I wasnt fast enough its because its farther than I thought. I wanted to map it first but forgot. 1:10, 17.75 miles. Ave 16 mph. Now that I map it..I cut it short by 3 miles so I just should have finished it. Another day. The good news is that I was faster on some gnarley ups. YEAH..
Thursday-Mod 4 miles. I didnt look at splits but I ran 4 miles tonight. I just wanted to get em in....DID THAT.
I am happy to say that I am excited about a new style of eating for me. I took up trimarni on her nutrition consultation and I am excited about her suggestions. I have a blood sugar control problem that she has given me tools I havent been able to find. I hope they get me over this hump. I will take some measurements and baseline weight and check em in a month or so. She and so many bloggy friends are racing IM Kentucky this weekend and I wish them lots of luck. i will be thinking of them. I hope that I someday will get to the Ironman level of training. QUOTE:
The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. ~
Dave Weinbaum
A rich life for me hopefully is a new outlook on food....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
All Day I Dream About S....
Originally I was supposed to have an out of town softball tournament this weekend but it turns out its next week. I spent all of last week and the early part of this week moving things around so I can have Friday and Saturday off. So what should I do? I planned on doing 30-40 miles of the silverman course but I didnt. 30-45 mph winds and 60-70% rain kept me in bed. Plus I thought I havent slept in in over a month and I have 11 miles on Sunday...may be ill just rest. AND SHOP.
Sunday-Long run. My last long run before the Disneyland Half marathon. I hyped it up inside as a challenge to see where my running fitness is at. FAIL. i wanted to run in the 1:40-1:42 range...NOPE. How about 1:55 range. Yup 10:28 per mile. A lot slower than I wanted to be. My sub 2:00 goal is serious peril. QUOTE:
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. ~Author unknown, commonly misattributed to Charles Darwin
times they are a changin....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Coasting mode.....
Monday-easy recovery swim of 1000 meters (20 laps). 26:12. As I am swimming an easy pace I am simply wondering....what the hell am I getting out of this? I mean it is nice to shake the soreness out by getting in the water but is there a better idea? I decided that I would rework my plan and drop easy recovery swim day and add another bike day. After all the bike is my limiting discipline. So for every 10 days I will do 4 bike efforts, 2 swim efforts (long and interval), and 3 running efforts. The distance change of the Olympic distance swim and half iron swim is not very different.
Tuesday-Easy recovery run. 4 miles in 37 min. Decent pace easy-to-slightly moderate effort. No pain which is a good change.
Wednesday-Low mileage/hill repeats. 13.75 miles total. I rode 5 miles to the hill that was about 8% grade and roughly 0.46 miles from where the start was to where I turned around. Ok, 5 miles there 4 X up or on and 3 times down, after the 4th just headed home. Here are the splits:
1:10 on, reaching 23 mph/1:32 active recovery,
1:31 on, 24 mph/1:38 active recovery,
1:17 on, 21 mph/1:25 active recovery, and
1:37 on, at 22 mph. Finished with 5 miles home. Legs where tired but I got home in OK time. I might have gone for 1 more but it was getting dark and I didn't have my head light. It hasn't been dark here at that time. Must be getting to be fall...my favorite time of year.
Thursday (today)-Long swim. 2000 meters. As I started I decided to set my bar for this distance swim. My best friend Karl proposes that 6 weeks of interval training will demonstrate huge benefits. I am going to try that. I did 8 sets of continuous 250 meter increments (5 laps.) Here are the splits: 5:32, 5:48, 5:53, 5:53, 6:56, 6:25, 6:57, and 6:42. For a total of 50:09, ave 6:16. Remember a few weeks ago when I wondered how many sub 6 min/250 meters I could do? I did 2 then and today I did 4. But then today I pooped out. I just wanted to see how many I could do during a long swim. I definitely could pace that better so the second half is more consistent but I wanted to go out fast. While I was swimming I was thinking that in the beginning of the year 2000 meters would be more than my weekly total. Today I was able to swim that consecutive with no breaks and even go fast. Im happy with where my swim is at today.
One of these weeks I am going to give you some literature review. I have pulled a total of 5 articles/studies of different topics but just haven't sat down to read them. My man Karl (and clay too) put together a heckuva presentation on interval training and all the physiology that is involved. I pulled a few of those articles. QUOTE:
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
Dale Carnegie quotes (American lecturer, author, 1888-1955)
by the way I DO WORK was supposed to be funny....I cracked up....I GET BUSY
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday: 800 meter swim. I didnt have anyone in the pool with me so I swam laps without touching the wall. Just like an open water swim except I swam in a tight circle. It was fun and I had some old folks who were sitting around watching and wondering.
Saturday: Long Bike. 46 miles in 1:50:01, ave speed of 16.2 mph. Reaching my maximum speed on a bike at 37.6 mph. It was rough. For the first 10 miles it was up hill and the wind was in my face. For about an hour all I heard was the wind. I went out of Las Vegas to the small town of Jean to their airport and back. Basically uphill there and downhill back. With the wind whistling it made it for a fun ride home. My legs were hard to warm up then once they realized I wasnt going to quit they shipped in and got to work. 1:51 there and 1 hour back. My legs need to get stronger to be faster going up. It was a lonely windy ride to nowhere but I got some work done
Sunday (today)-When my alarm went off I was confused. Why would I set my alarm so early? Oh yeah bike/run brick today. Boy did I want to continue sleeping. I didnt though. I did our nice 10 mile loop that we are running on our long runs twice. I didnt want any speed per Se, I just wanted to have biking legs in order to run through it. 20 mile bike in 1:21 with some ok climbs and a slow live T1 (7:33, I had to secure my bike and lock down the jeep). Then I ran 5.35 miles of the Silverman I will run in November. YES it is hilly and I ran those hills. Whew I am pooped. I was able to average 10:33 on those 5 miles including some walking on the 14% grade hill. My body felt good. I was fatigued without any pain, no limitations except cardiovascular/muscle, which is what I expect.
Next for the week: 1000 meter recovery swim tomorrow, 3 mile recovery run on Tuesday, hill repeats on Wednessday, long swim of 2000 meters on Thursday. QUOTE:
“There is no fatigue so wearisome as that which comes from lack of work”
Charles H. Spurgeon quotes (English preacher of 19th century 1834-1892)
Dont worry...I DO WORK
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The 3 sisters-2, Ron-0
Monday-Rest...my wife had a very minor surgery (if there is such a thing)
Tuesday-recovery run of 3 miles
Wednesday-Hills. Total of 15:30 miles. I rode from my mother-in-laws house to the RMLT. Floundered on the hills but pounded it out. I gave it my all. Now that I look at my garmin screen there is a 23% under the grade section. This my second attempt at the 3 sisters and I am determined to beat em.
Thursday-Seeming feeling no ill effects from yesterdays "fun" I decided to go for a tempo run. That turned into a hill run. I met up with the Village Runner group and the course they run is hilly. My legs were pooped. 4 miles total. Very slow.
I have been slacking on my information giving post during the week. Lack of time and a clear topic to research. I have been listening to podcasts on itunes on triathlon. They are awesome. Free too. There is a runners podcast as well. My rest of week will look like this....tomorrow short swim, sat long ride 45 miles or so. Sunday brick of biking about 20 miles followed by 6-8 mile run. QUOTE:
When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown
yeah I will be back you 3 beotches! (HA)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Ahh on track....
Saturday-The brick I was looking forward to since I haven't done one in a long time. Long swim and moderate ride. I decided to do a TT of the course I will be racing on in a month or so as a tune-up for the Silverman half. Today's session ended up being 1600 meters and 26 mile bike. 2/3 (actually the swim was 100 meters longer than the race but who is counting)of an Olympic distance tri and I was faster. If this was workout compared to the race I did a few months ago RAGE both the swim and the bike were 6 min faster EACH. Longer swim, faster times, and I even had enough left in the tank on the last big climb to sprint to the top. YEAH, IM GOOD WITH THAT. I have not trained like this before and the type of program I am playing with is not common, I didn't know where I as at. Now I'm cool with it. The next question is (and chuck is asking too), how will the long run go the following day?
Sunday-Id say it went a lot better. We ran the same course as last week in reverse. Which means it was a lot more hilly than I thought it was going to be. I didn't have any post tib signs or symptoms until the 8-9th mile or so and it was only slight. 10 miles in approx 1:40 some 12 min faster than last weeks 10 miler with less pain. 9:48ish pace. I had to "detour" to handle some "bidness" (as redhead would say) and I didn't get my watch back on line for about 0.6 miles or so and its too bad because that 0.6 was fast. Pain is a funny thing. I wasn't ever tired today and with no pain I wasn't looking for an excuse to stop. Funny how pain controls that. Feels like my running may be getting on track. So whats on tap for the rest of the week? Here is a tentative plan....Monday-recovery swim, Tuesday-recovery run, Wednesday-off, Thursday-hill repeats (my first attempt at the 3 sisters), not sure about Friday.
Just a note to people finding my blog as I read and connect to yours. I am really enjoying reading all of your blogs and I am impressed with the journeys you all are on to get fitter, healthier, etc. I think it is a really cool thing to hear about runners, triathletes, and nutritionists etc. I am learning from each and every one of you and even some laughing too! quote....
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”
Lance Armstrong
Thursday, August 6, 2009
This week is going to plan so far...
Monday: 750 meter recovery swim. I LOVE recovery swims after a long run. I can feel the soreness disappear. I ditched the time so It is not available.
Tuesday: Recovery ride. 15 miles on my 15 mile loop. A bit slow but boy is getting easy. 1:01. Softball at night.
Wednesday: Swam 1750 with intervals. 3 lap stroke drill, 5 laps warm-up 6:03, 3 laps on/3 laps off X 3 on and 2 off. Times are 3:13, 4:11, 3:17, 4:30, 3:23, and cool down at 7:05 5 laps. 1 min faster than the last time I did this. Recovered faster and was tighter on my speed.
Thursday: Here is where it gets good. I havent been very fast for me on the long runs and I thought it was because I didnt get my speed work in. With running difficult should I do a speed workout? I ran 2 miles in the am and it felt good enough to continue but I thought if I push it may be a bad idea. The rest of the day it felt good, so I attempted to another run this evening. It went well. The 2 this morning in 9:22 pace, the 3 this evening 9:20 but the second mile was a 8:50. I havent gone that fast in a while. It felt great. We will know in the am whether or not it was a good idea. Rest day tomorrow, big brick on Saturday, 1250 swim open at the lake and 25 miles on the LV TRI course, which happens to be the same as RAGE. I want to use this Olympic distance tri as a tune-up for the half Ironman. Then 10 miles hopefully on Sunday. Can I shave 20-30 min off this Olympic distance race from April 18, 2009?
One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.
Carl Zuckmeyer
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Getting back to reality....
Block 2:
Grade B. Although there was some incredible venues for training the results are not that impressive. Here are the totals for the second block of 10 days:
swimming: 4740 meters
Running: 26 miles with one day of intervals
Biking: 35 miles. Low total but had to change everything around to get Kona in. I am going to have 2 long rides in the next block because of the switch.
The Last few days since I came back look like this:
Friday-4 mile run with avg 9:24 pace
Saturday-played in a softball tournament
Today-Ran 10 miles with some pain. I think my flip-flop use was high and I had trouble with posterior tibialis on the R. A muscle in charge of protecting the arch of your foot but the belly is in the calf. After a few ice baths its back to pain-free with normal walking but I wont run until Wednesday. I am quite slow these days. My running is down. I think sub 2 hour half at disneyland is going to be out. We will see. Swim-good, bike-better but still slow, and run is slow.
Im looking to be more consistent this block. I think I need some leg strength work. I am doing really well with the push up challenge. I can feel and see results already. I am also happy to report that my body circumference measurements are all down. Thats good. I just need them down faster =).
On another note I noticed in the program from the Ironman 2009 there was 30 physical therapists from around the world that competed. I like that. Its hard trying to be a good example. Here is this posts quote:
A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever. - Mary Lou Retton
I hope I never forget my ride in Kona
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Surf Nipple Vs. Runners Nipple/EPIC training
Thursday (7/23/09)-travel day
Friday (7/24/09)-Long swim not timed or measured but it is approximately 2000 meters. It was done at

Saturday (7/25/09)-Long day at the beach. Surfed for the first time and even got up. GO ME. Ive got the nipple carnage to prove it. I also got a surf board burn and even a sun burn on top of that. I have had runners nipple and its got nothin on surfers nipple. Sorry no pics of that. I kayaked, body boarded, and swam. Surfing is one awesome shoulder and core activity.
Sunday (7/26/09)-Long run. OK this is the type of run that sets it all off. 9 miles from turtle bay past sunset beach all on the Northshore. Here is a picture of the sunset @ sunset beach where I ran. It was slow and I stopped a bunch to take it all in and because of the humidity. Here in Vegas it is hot but dry there, not so much.
Monday (7/27/09)-Travel day. Went to Kailau-Kona on the big island. This is the holy grail among triathletes. I rented a bike. I rented a much nicer bike then I would ever buy for tuesdays long ride along queen K.
Tuesday (7/28/09)-Long Bike. I was hoping for 40 miles. What I got was way more than that. As absolutely gorgeous as it was it was difficult. May be that why they do it there. Its hot, hilly, muggy, desolate, rainy, windy, and cold. Huh? Here is the map:



Right outside the swim start on illi'i drive there is a shop. The owner of the shop is a finisher of multiple IM. His name is also Ron and a really cool guy. His buddy made this statue. It is a huge replica of the original IM trophy. It sits outside the shop. Here is me with it.
“These are traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of